I've got big plans for the new blog but I want to start implementing them here. One of them is free downloads of vector patterns, fonts and other stuff. I've already made my first typeface available for download for over a year now and I've also resumed working on raimund (which was put on hold for 8 months) as well as a new display typeface. Hopefully... I plan to seek contributions form other local designers for our freebie box... but that will probably be on the new blog... hopefully.
First thing's first. Our Editor-in-Chief, Diana, relates the story behind the cover shoot with Pambansang Kamao, Manny Pacquiao's youngest girl so far, Queennie while big sister, Princess gets the royal treatment on a special fashion feature.
Since October is Babymag's birthmonth. October issues means party features. Along with the annual Kiddie Party Directory, this years "party book" takes a look into the business of party planning with JellyBellies Party Experts and satisfying kids' sweet tooth with Swell Sweets.
Are you feeling lucky? This year, we've got more games and contests for both kids and parents to enjoy. From testing your lyrical aptitude on the very challenging What Song Is That? to hunting BamBam's toughest hiding spots all over the magazine. It is sure to keep you busy for quite some time.
There is a whole lot more in this issue (as usual) so get yers as soon as it hits the stands or, better yet, get a subscription.
Baby Magazine, the Philippines' first parenting mag is now (as of this issue) in it's 14th year of service to Filipino parents. For subscription inquiries, you may contact Baby Magazine through the following:
T (+632)728.36.55
E magazine.baby@gmail.com
W www.babycentral.com.ph